Speed Calculator  

A Speed Calculator is a handy tool used to determine the average speed of a vehicle or object. input the distance traveled, the previous mileage, and the time taken.

Speed Calculator

Average Speed (mph):

Average Speed (km/h):

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Example Formula for Average Speed

Got the hang of speed ? In science-speak, fancy terms like “average speed” and “average velocity” mean pretty much the same thing. Here’s a quick trick to figure out how fast you’re going (on average) during a trip:

Speed = Distance / Time (written as V = D / T). Basically, you divide the distance you travel by the time it takes to get there, and that’s your average speed.

Just a heads-up, those units gotta match! If you use miles for distance and hours for time, your speed will be in miles per hour (mph).

Meters and seconds? then your speed will be meters per second (m/s). Our super cool speed calculator (link above) can handle all that unit conversion magic for you, but if you do it manually, make sure everything lines up! That way your answer shows a normal speed like mph or m/s, not something out of a sci-fi movie.

Calculation Example for Average Speed

Imagine you’re driving to visit a friend 120 Mile away. You travel at a constant speed of 80 mph for the first hour, covering 80 mile. However, due to road construction, you encounter heavy traffic for the remaining hour, slowing you down to 40 mph. Despite the change in speed, you can still calculate your average speed for the entire trip:

– Total Distance = 120 Mile (distance to your friend’s place)

-Total Time = 1 hour (traveling at 80 mph) + 1 hour (traveling at 40 mph) = 2 hours

Plugging these values into the formula:

– Average Speed = 120 Mile / 2 hours = 60 Mile per hour (mph)

Speed Calculator
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