Fuel Consumption Calculator ⛽

The Fuel Consumption Calculator is a handy tool for calculating your vehicle’s gas mileage and costs. By entering the distance traveled (in miles), fuel spent (in gallons), and the price per gallon,

Fuel Consumption Calculator

Calculation Results

Gas mileage: 0 Miles per Gallon

Gas cost: $0 per mile (0 miles per $)

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Fuel consumption formula and calculation example

Need to estimate how much gas you’ll guzzle up on your next trip? Our calculator uses a amazing trick:

Fuel Consumption = Gas Used / Distance Traveled (written as fancy math folks might see it: Petroleum use / Traveled Distance).

Basically, it figures out how far you can go on a single tank (or gallon/liter) of gas. The answer depends on the units you use: miles per gallon (mpg) for miles and gallons, and kilometers per liter (km/L) for kilometers and liters.

But that’s not all! This super calculator can also estimate your fuel cost per distance unit. So, you’ll see things like miles per dollar (/mi)orkilometersperdollar(/km) on top of the mpg/km/L. This helps you plan your budget for a trip.

For example, if you’re traveling 200 miles and typically spend 15 cents per mile, you can multiply 200 miles by $0.15/mile to get $30 for the trip. Same idea for kilometers!

What can be done to improve fuel efficiency ?

1 . Keep your car and tyres well-maintained
2 . Avoid frequent acceleration and deceleration
3 . Drive at a lower overall average speed
4 . Avoid or reduce the use of air conditioning
5 . Reduce the weight of the vehicle by not carrying excess cargo

Fuel Consumption Calculator
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