Square Feet to Acres Converter
Square Feet to Acres Converter is a useful instrument for converting land area from Square feet to acres. It is especially useful for real estate professionals, architects, surveyors, farmers, and people with acres and acres of land. This tool eliminates manual calculations and gets quick, accurate results based on how land is measured according to region and purpose.
Simply feed in a value in square feet, and the converter displays the equivalent in acres immediately. The tool is easy to use, saves time, and reduces the likelihood of errors. It is used in a globalized society, and people worldwide speak of square feet and acres, as is the case in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
About Square Foot and Acre
Square Foot
A square foot or sq ft is a unit of Area used almost entirely in the United States, Canada, and other countries. It is a square with one foot in length on the sides.
144 Square Inches = 1 Square Foot
Used to measure smaller areas such as rooms, apartments, and plots.
Say a backyard is 1000 square feet, a living room could be 200 square feet.
Just about everyone used an acre, which is a much larger unit of area used to measure land. It began in the Middle Ages and meant how much land one man with an ox could till in one day. Today, the acre is standardized as:
1 Acre = 43,560 Square Feet
Measuring large tracts of land, farmland, estate, or industrial site, acres are often used. Let’s imagine that a typical suburban residential lot might be 0.2 to 0.5 acres for example, while farms tend to be measured in tens or hundreds of acres.
Difference between Square Feet and Acres
1 . Square Feet (sq ft) –
The area is a small unit of area used for measuring the size of rooms, houses, plots of land, and another relatively smaller area. The area of a square with sides of one foot each is one square foot.
2 . Acres (ac) –
This is a larger area unit that is used to quantify the whole size of big land areas, for example, agricultural fields, and parks, along with entire properties.
43,560 square feet is equal to one acre.
1500 Sq ft to ac conversion formula example
To convert square feet to acres, you can use the formula -
Acres=43,560Square Feet
So, if you want to convert 1,500 square feet to acres -
So, 1,500 square feet is approximately equal to 0.0345 acres.
A table for converting sq feet to acres
Square Feet (ft2) | Acres (ac) |
1 ft2 | 0.000023 ac |
2 ft2 | 0.000046 ac |
3 ft2 | 0.000069 ac |
4 ft2 | 0.000092 ac |
5 ft2 | 0.000115 ac |
6 ft2 | 0.000138 ac |
7 ft2 | 0.000161 ac |
8 ft2 | 0.000184 ac |
9 ft2 | 0.000207 ac |
10 ft2 | 0.000230 ac |
20 ft2 | 0.000459 ac |
30 ft2 | 0.000689 ac |
40 ft2 | 0.000918 ac |
50 ft2 | 0.001148 ac |
60 ft2 | 0.001377 ac |
70 ft2 | 0.001607 ac |
80 ft2 | 0.001837 ac |
90 ft2 | 0.002066 ac |
100 ft2 | 0.002296 ac |
200 ft2 | 0.004591 ac |
300 ft2 | 0.006887 ac |
400 ft2 | 0.009183 ac |
500 ft2 | 0.011478 ac |
600 ft2 | 0.013774 ac |
700 ft2 | 0.016070 ac |
800 ft2 | 0.018365 ac |
900 ft2 | 0.020661 ac |
1,000 ft2 | 0.022957 ac |
1 . National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2022). "NIST Guide to SI Units - Appendix B8: Factors for Units Listed Alphabetically."
2 . United States Geological Survey (USGS). (2022). "Unit Conversions."