Percent to Fraction Converter

To quickly convert percent to fractions, use our online percent to fraction converter.

Percent to Fraction Converter

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Conversion of Percentages to Fractions

In everyday life, percentages are seen frequently. To express rates and ratios, they are utilized. So, understanding how to convert percentages into fractions is a basic math skill used in all fields, from finance to day-to-day accounting. Percentages are expressed as numbers in percentages, followed by a symbol (%) to represent a percentage. Converting percentages to fractions allows for ease of comparison and adjustment of values.
Follow these simple steps to convert percentages to characters.
Understand percentages: Start with a given percent. For example, if you have 25%, understand that this means 25 out of 100.
Write as a Fraction: For conversions, keep the percentage above 100 and keep it simple if possible. For 25%, this would be 25/100.
Simplify the fraction: Reduce the fraction to its simplest fraction, divide their greatest common denominator by the denominator (the upper number) and the denominator (the lower number), and let it weaken to 25/100/4 in our example.
Thus, 25% as a fraction is equal to 1/4. This method works universally, whether the percentage is a whole number, a decimal, or a mixture of numbers. For example, a 75% conversion follows the same steps: 75/100 smooths to 3/4.

Percent to Fraction Conversion formula

Here is a formula. Based on this formula you can do fraction conversion from percentage.

Fraction = (Percent) / 100

Percent to Fraction Converter

Percentage to fraction conversion formula and Example

Let’s convert 25% to a fraction –

a. Divide 25 by 100: 25 / 100 = 0.25
b. Write 0.25 as a fraction: 0.25 / 1 (since there are two decimal places, the denominator is 100) = 25/100
c. Simplify the fraction (optional): The GCD of 25 and 100 is 25. Dividing both numerator and denominator by 25 gives 1/4.

Therefore, 25% is equivalent to the fraction 1/4.

Table for converting percentages to fractions

% Percent Fraction
1 %1/100
2 %1/50
3 %3/100
4 %1/25
5 %1/20
6 %3/50
7 %7/100
8 %2/25
9 %9/100
10 %1/10
20 %1/5
25 %1/4
30 %3/10
40 %2/5
50 %1/2
60 %3/5
70 %7/10
75 %3/4
80 %4/5
90 %9/10
100 %1/1
Fraction to Percent Converter

Fraction to Percent Converter

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