Hex to Decimal Converter

The Hex to Decimal Converter is a user-friendly online tool, to convert Hex to Decimal quickly.

Hex to Decimal Converter
Hex to Decimal Converter

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Hex to Decimal Converter

Hex to Decimal Converter is a tool to switch numbers from hexadecimal (base 16) to decimal base 10. However, since binary data is so dependent on space in binary, it’s usually written as more compact data, that is, hexadecimal or hex. Yet this tool cuts the work in half, automatically changing the hex to decimal value, and providing an answer to the same screen.

About Hexadecimal and Decimal

What is Hexadecimal?
Hexadecimal is a base 16 number system, so uses 16 symbols to represent it, These symbols include the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F (or a-f), where:

A represents 10 in decimal,
B represents 11,
C represents 12,
D represents 13,
E represents 14, and
F represents 15.
This is because of hexadecimal, which is used so widely in computing for its human-friendly read/write of binary data. The one represents exactly four binary digits (bits); each hex digit standing for them, which is an efficient shorthand for writing out binary sequences.

For example:

Hex A is 1010 in binary.
Hex 2F is 0010 1111 in binary.
What is Decimal?
Most humans use the base 10 numbering system—called decimal—in our day-to-day activities. It consists of ten symbols from 0 for 0 to 9 which are used for example in everyday arithmetic and counting. In this system, each position in a decimal number represents a power of 10, so calculations are straightforward. Most people are used to decimal numbers because they reflect how we count.

How to Convert Hex to Decimal

Here we have explained the simple way to convert hexadecimal (hex) numbers to decimal, and also given an example which will make it easier for you to understand, you will use the steps given below.

Here we have given the formula to convert hexadecimal (hex) numbers to decimals below

Write down the hexadecimal number you want to convert. For example, let's use the hex number 1A3.

Here we will assign a decimal value to each hex digit. Its value is as given below.

    • 0: 0
    • 1: 1
    • 2: 2
    • 3: 3
    • 4: 4
    • 5: 5
    • 6: 6
    • 7: 7
    • 8: 8
    • 9: 9
    • A: 10
    • B: 11
    • C: 12
    • D: 13
    • E: 14
    • F: 15
    • aa 170 bb 187 cc 204 dd 221 ee 238 ff 255 10 16 100 256 1000 4096 10000 65536
    • For example, in the hex number 1A3, '1' is 1 in decimal, 'A' is 10, and '3' is 3.
    • Multiply each digit by 16 raised to the power of its position (from right to left, starting with 0 as the rightmost position) and sum the results.
    • Calculation For example
        • 1×162 for '1' in the hundreds place
        • 10×161 for 'A' in the tens place
        • 3×160 for '3' in the ones place


        So, the decimal equivalent of the hex number 1A3 is decimal 419.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Why does computing often use hexadecimal?
A: Compacting and aligning well with binary, hexadecimal is thereby designed. Four bits make up a hex digit, so it gives a neat way of representing big binary numbers with fewer characters. It is easier for programmers and engineers to work with binary data of that form.

Q2: Is there a decimal number that can be represented as hexadecimal?
A: You’ll need to multiply each digit by 16 in its positional power, then sum the results, but yes, you can convert any hexadecimal number to a decimal number.

Q3: How large can the value of a single hexadecimal digit be?
A: F is the largest value for a single hex digit and represents the number 15 in decimal.

Q4: Can there be an easy way to translate from hexadecimal to decimal without such hard calculations?
A: It can be also, yes, using a Hex to Decimal Converter tool will quickly convert a hexadecimal number to decimal without having to calculate it manually.

Q5: Are decimals able to be converted back to hexadecimal?
A: Of course, you can convert decimals to hexadecimal, just repeatedly divide the decimal number by 16 and record the remainder for each step. Read them in reverse order and they will be the hexadecimal equivalent.

Q6: Can anyone present me specifically with a hexadecimal number character limit?
A: Hexadecimal numbers can have any number of characters, no. But stream length can be limited in a digital system by the system’s bit length (e.g. 32-bit, 64-bit systems).

A Table for Hex to Decimal Conversion

Hex to Decimal Converter
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