Gas Mileage (MPG) Calculator

A Gas Mileage (MPG) Calculator is a handy tool for determining a vehicle’s fuel efficiency. It helps users by inputting their current mileage, previous mileage, and the gallons  of gas added.

Gas Mileage Calculator

Gas Mileage: miles per gallon
Fuel Efficiency: gallons per mile

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Gas Mileage (MPG) Calculator

Calculating Miles Per Gallon (MPG):

The most common gas mileage metric is miles per gallon (MPG). It shows how far your car can go with a gallon of fuel. You can manually calculate your MPG using the following method:

MPG = miles driven/gallon consumed

How to measure – 

It is relatively easy to measure how good your car is on gas. No fancy technology involved, just some basic information you can glean from your next gas station visit.

Gas Mileage (MPG) Lowdown in Short

MPG stands for Miles Per Gallon. This tells you how far your car can go per gallon of fuel.
The higher the MPG, the better your gas mileage. Cars with good gas mileage get more miles per gallon, saving money at the pump.
Calculating your car’s MPG: It’s easier than you think

Try this next time you fill up your tank:

Reset your travel odometer to zero. This little counter on your dashboard keeps track of how many miles you have left since the reset.

Fully fill your gas tank.

Drive around as usual. Check your driving mileage before refilling.
Refill your tank. Determine how many gallons it takes to fill the tank this time.

Table of Contents

Gas Mileage (MPG) Calculation Example

Divide the number of miles driven (from step 3) by the number of gallons you just pumped (from step 4). That’s your car’s MPG for that trip!

For example, let’s say you drove 400 miles and it took 20 gallons to refill your tank. Here’s the calculation:

MPG = 400 miles / 20 gallons = 20 MPG

In this case, your car gets 20 miles per gallon, which is decent mileage.

Improving Gas Mileage

For a fuel economy comparison by vehicle type, please see . Many factors affect fuel economy, and adopting certain practices can help you get better gas mileage:

1. Regular maintenance: Regular oil changes, air filter cleaning and tire maintenance can dramatically improve fuel economy.

2 . Use a gentle vehicle: Avoid hard acceleration, sudden braking and speeding. Maintain speed whenever possible.

3 . Reduce weight: Remove unnecessary items from your car, as lighter items improve fuel efficiency.

4 . Using Cruise Control: Using cruise control on constant-speed highways helps maintain a constant speed and improve efficiency.

5 . Reduce commuting: Avoid idling for long periods of time, as it uses fuel without covering any distance.

less efficient at MPHKM/H
Gas Mileage (MPG) Calculator
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