Reading Text Time Calculator

 Easily calculate how much time you will spend reading with the Reading Text Time Calculator.

Reading Text Time Calculator

Total Words:


Total Characters:


Reading Time:


minutes : seconds

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Table of Contents

Common Conversions (mean velocity)

What is the duration required to read 500 words? 3.5 minutes
What is the duration required to read 750 words? 5.5 minutes
What is the duration required to read 1000 words? 7.6 minutes
What is the duration required to read 1200 words? 9.4 minutes
What is the duration required to read 1500 words? 11.3 minutes
What is the duration required to read 1800 words? 13.7 minutes
What is the duration required to read 2000 words? 15.3 minutes
What is the duration required to read 3000 words? 23.2 minutes

About Reading Text Time Calculator

Reading Text Time Calculator is a digital tool. It is a helpful tool. This tool estimates the time it takes to read a text based on its length. You can input any text and get the estimated user reading time.

Do you know that a lady named Anya Jonas read the book of 2.5 lakh words, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in 47 minutes. And if the same book is read by an average reader, it will take 15 to 20 hours. We do not need to develop the speed of Anya Jonas, but if we increase our reading speed beyond our existing speed, then we can read more in less time, understand more, and use the remaining time in many other places. The biggest reason for our reading being slow is sub-vocalization. It means that when we are reading something while reading, we are also speaking in our minds. Now take any article and read it and notice that when you read, you are simultaneously speaking that line in your mind. This is sub-vocalization. Now what happens due to sub-vocalization is that our brain can read fast, and our eyes can move fast, but our brain and our eyes have to slow down their speed, have to reduce it. Because whatever we are saying in our mind has to be adjusted to match it. Our brain can work faster with the speed of our speech, our eyes can work faster but we cannot speak that fast, which is why our reading speed cannot be fast.

Reading Text Time Calculator

About the Reading Time

 Now let us understand the reading time and how to calculate it. Reading time refers to the estimated time taken by a person to read a given text. We calculate reading time-based on the number of words in the text and the average reading speed, which is usually measured in words per minute (WPM). For most of us, the average reading speed is between 200 and 250 words per minute, but it is important to understand that the average reading speed can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the text, personal reading habits, or even the language being read.

How is Reading Time Calculated?

Now let us understand, how reading time is calculated. There is a formula to calculate reading time. Now we will calculate reading time according to the formula.

Reading Time=Total WordsAverage Reading Speed (WPM)\text{Reading Time} = \frac{\text{Total Words}}{\text{Average Reading Speed (WPM)}}

 For example, if we have an article of 1,000 words and the average reading speed is 238 WPM, it will take about 4 minutes, and 20 seconds to read it.

If you have any confusion or doubt then double-check with our Reading Text Time Calculator.

Reading Text Time Calculator

Reading Time For Word Counts

Meters to Feet
WordsTime (0.00)
100 words26 secs
200 words51 secs
250 words1 min 4 secs
300 words1 min 16 secs
500 words2 mins 7 secs
750 words3 mins 10 secs
1000 words4 mins 13 secs
1500 words6 mins 18 secs
2000 words8 mins 25 secs
3000 words12 mins 36 secs
5000 words21 mins 1 sec
10000 words42 mins 1 sec
50000 words3 hrs 30 mins

Reading Time For Page Counts

Meters to Feet
PagesTime (0.00)
1 page2 min
10 pages20min
20 pages40 min
30 pages1 hr
40 pages1 hr 20 mins
50 pages1 hr 40 mins
100 pages3 hrs 20 mins
200 pages6 hrs 40 mins
300 pages10 hrs
400 pages13 hrs 20 mins
500 pages16 hrs 40 mins
800 pages26 hrs 40 mins
1000 pages33 hrs 20 mins

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